Manage Your Cost

In SURE the cost is associated to each project. There are 3 payment plans that can be applied to each project and you can select one plan and later change it according to the project’s needs.

While a new project is being added to SURE, the Administrator can select one of the payment plans available.


The plans can be changed at any moment by one of the project’s Administrator. If you are an Administrator and you enter the project’s page there will be an option available “ Payment Plan “ to modify the plan or to view the account information (invoices, official address, etc.).


After selecting “ Payment Plan “ SURE will show the following screen:


If the payment plan currently selected for the project is not the most adequate for the project, the Administrator can click on the “ Change plan “ button and select any of the available options:


Any option can be selected at any time and the new payment plan will be applied to the project. This is useful for keeping SURE’s cost in line with the project needs, for example a project can start with the Basic Plan but as users and the need to add documents that are bigger the Premium Plan can be selected and then changed to the Basic Plan at the end of the project or during the defect liability period.

SURE will create an invoice for each project if it is in one of the non free payment plans. The payment of the invoice should be done by bank transfer, no credit cards are needed.

The payment plans currently available are:


This plan is free and is the default selection once a project is created. This plan is recommended for small projects or to check if SURE is the right tool for the project.

The limitations for the Basic Plan are:

  • The project con include a maximum of 4 users.

  • There is a limitation in the size of documents and pictures that can be uploaded to SURE. The maximum allow size is 500 Kb for each document.

  • With the Basic plan the users cannot create custom reports in SURE, but the predefine reports are available.

  • The advance search functionality will not be accessible.


This plan is optimal for most of the supervision projects. The monthly cost of the project is fixed and it will not be incremented. The only limitation in this payment plan is that the project cannot have more than 10 users.


For large projects, the ultimate plan allows unlimited number of users.