Add Sites

SURE methodology defines a site as a part of a contract that can be supervised and budgeted independently of other parts. For example, if you are supervising a water networks construction project in 3 cities as part of the same contract, each city could be considered a site. But if in your contract there is also a General Expenses part,for example for the cost of all guarantees, insurances, engineering, etc. that could also be a site.

As a rule of thumb consider that if the contract budget can be split in several independent budgets, each part should be a site. Not always is good to have several sites in a contract, for example, if you are supervising a building you should only have one site.

For every site SURE will expect a different budget that can have different Interim Payment Certificates (IPC) and will have reports that could generate daily site reports as well.

Every contract must have at least one site but it can have as many sites as needed.

In the previous post we have created a contract, but the contract as such does not hold any information without the sites. Looking at the contract screen you can see that the information is empty, except for the dates.


Just click in the “Add Site” link to create a new site.


The dates, by default, are the dates defined in the contract. Sometimes sites might be defined to end before other sites in the same contract, in FIDIC that is called a section. SURE allows you to define the dates for each site. For example, one site can start with the same commencement date as the contract, but due to access rights or any other issue another site might start later.

The only restriction on the dates is that the end dates of a site cannot be after the end dates of a contract. To change the contracts dates usually a variation order should be issued and it is a procedure that we can be found here.

Just give a name to your site that your team will understand and check the dates. After saving, your site will be available in your contract’s page.