
SURE is a software management tool for Technical Construction Supervision Projects. It is a web application that does not require to install any software in the user’s computers.

SURE provides:

  • Quality assurance procedures are the core of SURE’s design, with SURE the Supervision Team has clear procedures to follow that generate standard documentation for all the project stakeholders. With SURE all the past decisions are clearly documented and traceable.

  • Document management system with database support. All documents, notes, tasks, reports, tests and pictures in SURE are stored in a database only accessible by the Supervision Team members with easy to use search tools. Databases are back up in the cloud to avoid data losses.

  • Multilingual support for international projects, all the documents and templates can be generated in 2 languages, the contract language and the local language if necessary.

  • Future BIM integration. Building Information Model is used in the design process but not in the infrastructure supervision projects. In most cases BIM software requires trained engineers that are not part of the Infrastructure Supervision team. SURE closes the gap between the expensive BIM software platforms and the Construction Supervision needs for an easy to use and affordable software tool.

  • Integration with Microsoft Office: Budgets and Interim Payment Certificates can be added to SURE by standard spreadsheets software, like Excel©. Also all the information generated by SURE can be exported as Excel© files for hard copy archives and sharing them with other stakeholders.

  • The mobile application provides the latest information to the site teams. The inspections, site visits, material deliveries, etc can all be documented on the site. It is particularly useful for linear infrastructure projects, since all the tests, reports, images, etc. can be included with the GPS coordinates and displayed in maps.