Review Site IPC

When a site IPC is already uploaded and it does not have any errors, it is ready to be reviewed by the supervisor’s team. In the previous post the site IPC for the “Test Site 1” was uploaded and in the site IPC detail screen we have now the following:


To start to review, navigate to the “ 210.0 Setting Out and Site Clearance ” in the budget chapter:


In the top part of the screen SURE shows the total amounts for the budget chapter in the current approved budget. Below there is one card for each element in the budget chapter.

In each card, SURE shows the current status of the element for the IPC and other basic information.

To review the element, tap on the “ Review Element ” button.


To review the element, simply input the supervisor’s estimation for the element in this IPC and select the status, in this case, approved.

Once saved, SURE will include the amounts to the IPC. the budget chapter will now have the following:


The Supervisor can also reject the contractor’s estimation of one of the elements in the IPC and assigned another quantity. For example, let us navigate to the “ 210.0 Earthworks ” chapter in the example.


Click in the “ Review Element ” and instead of 200 m, let us set it to 100 m and reject this element in the IPC


SURE will evaluate the quantities included by the Supervisor as the valid ones, rejecting the contractor’s estimations:


At this stage, the supervisor’s Team Leader or Project Director can decide to accept the contractor’s IPC but the amount accepted will only include the supervisor’s estimations. In this article we will continue approving the IPC with all the pending items as approved. The detail site IPC page would be:


And in the contract IPC detail page:


In most cases, an IPC will also include concepts that will modify the final amount to be paid, like retentions, advance payments, taxes etc. Click in the “ Add Other Concepts ” button and select “ Indirect Taxes ”.


SURE will ask the name and when to apply the taxes (as a percentage of the executed works or as a fix amount in this IPC), in this case the percentage is selected and 20% is added.

After saving, SURE will calculate the amount and it will be included in the contract IPC:


In a similar way, other concepts can be added, before or after taxes. If you would like to edit or remove any concept in any IPC that is still pending, just click on the link of the concept that needs to be modified.

After approving the IPC 1, V.1 SURE will added the values to the total disbursements.