Account Management

Anyone can create an account in SURE just using a valid email account. Once the account is created the user is able to create new projects in the account or it can use the account to be added to projects created by other users.

SURE assigns a different role for the user in each project. According to the role assigned, the user might have different permissions in the project. These roles are:


Administrators have the higher permissions in a project, the project creator is, by default, an Administrator.

Administrators can performed the following actions:

  • Add other users to the project.
  • Delete other users from the project.
  • Define the other users´ roles in a project.
  • Delete the project or any of its components.
  • Change the project´s payment plan.
  • Bypass the approvals or rejections from other users to entities like Interim Payment Certificates, Variation Orders, Claims, etc.


Approvers are added to the project by the project’s administrators. In most cases this role is assigned to supervision team leaders, project managers or resident engineers.

Approvers can:

  • Change the approval or rejection of any entity.
  • Delete elements added by other users like budgets or Interim Payment Certificates.


User are added to the project by the project’s administrators.