Add Contracts

In SURE, the basic entity are projects, nevertheless the projects define the relation between the Supervision team and the Employer but a project must have one or more contracts.

A contract entity usually is the construction contract signed between the Employer and a Contractor that your team is supervising. There are projects that will have one contract only and other projects could have several contracts under execution at the same time. There are no restrictions in the number of contracts that can be included in a project.

If you want to create a contract in a project, go to the project screen. If you don’t have any contract created yet, the project the screen would look similar to this:


Click in “ Add Contract ” and you will be redirected to the following screen:


In the select box for Contractor you will see all the contractor companies that are already included in your SURE account. If you are creating the first contract, there will not be any contractor yet. Click in the “ Create a new contractor ” and complete the data (only the contractor’s name is required and you can edit it later).

The fields in the Add Contract form are:

  • Contract Name: usually the official name.

  • Contract Code: use a short name that can be used in the mobile application and for your team to refer to the contract.

  • Contract Number: this is optional and it is used to refer to the official contract if exists.

  • Currency of the Contract: use the 3 letter code to specify the contract’s currency.

  • Contract Acceptance Date: it is the date in which the acceptance letter was issued to the Contractor, some contract’s types use this date for references.

  • Signature Date: the official date in which the contract was signed by the Contractor and the Employer.

  • Commencement Date: in some type of contracts (FIDIC) the commencement date is different from the signature date, if it is the same just input the contract’s signature date.

  • Construction End Date: include in this field the date in which the construction must finish. This date must be after the commencement date.

  • DLP End’s Date: it is the date in which, according to the contract, the Contractor will end all the obligations towards the employer, including the defect liability period. This date must be after the construction end date.

  • Number of decimals: the number of decimals that must be used for the round up numbers in the budget, for quantities and prices.

After saving the contract, it will be accessible in the Project’s page


A contract cannot be deleted after it has been saved but it can be edited to modify all the information.

We recommend that the original information, once correct, should not be modified, if the end dates change, it should be done with variation orders

Now you are ready to add sites to the contract.